Let us get together sometime.
Let us oscillate and pinch.
I think that I can tell you, Dear
It really is a cinch."
"Oh gracious!" said the Miasma,
"I see what you're driving at,
But I really ought to tell you
I'm too tenuous for that
You see, my screening radius
Is actually quite grand
And with your enormous currents
Things just might get out of hand."
"Never fear" replied bold Plasma,
"There's nothing to your fright.
We'll radiate some EM waves---
Illuminate the night."
And so they came together
Their currents running high
Trying to make fusion
And irradiate the sky.
But the poor benighted Plasma
Though he tried with all his might
In spite of his large currents
Couldn't get his Boltzmann factors right.
The Maxwell distribution
Made his style a little cramped
And his best radiative efforts
Were severely Landau dampped.