Jamming and Rheology

Below is a sample of the Jamming and Rheology web forum. It is not up to date. To participate in the forum you have to sign up by sending a note to t-witten@uchicago.edu. See below for more information. In this sample you won't be able to see the articles and the buttons won't work. After you've signed up, you'll have access to the working version.

Welcome to the web discussion pages for the ITP Jamming and Rheology program, 1997. Look at the messages already posted to see what we've been discussing. To disseminate your own views, post your own item in response to one of the articles already started. Click on the message you want to respond to, then click on the "add message" button. Click on the "Members" button at the bottom of this page to inform other readers how to contact you.

Only people who have been explicitly signed up have access to this site. It is intended for the Jamming and Rheology community. Thus messages you post are not accessible to the general public.

Up to now, the articles were gathered by individual email to Tom Witten. Thus they are overly weighted towards things he has been discussing. Now that everyone can post an article, I hope the messages will reflect our true breadth.

Hypernews, the system for posting and reading these messages, is supposed to be self explanatory. But further information is readily available at the HyperNews site. I hope this is beneficial. Best wishes, T. Witten.

Messages Inline: 1 All Outline: 1 2 All

1. None: Discussions on the glass transition by Da Management, 10/01/97
2. None: Cates' et al's mechanism for glassy relaxation by Da Management, 10/02/97
1. Note: Is this relevant? Cates take... by Da Management, 10/03/97
3. None: Two senses of fragility: TW and Nagel by Da Management, 10/10/97
1. More: Fragility and shear thinning by Da Management, 10/27/97
4. None: How fragile can you get? by Da Management, 10/13/97
1. More: ...pretty fragile ---H. Cummins by Da Management, 10/15/97
3. None: Gradual flow by Da Management, 10/02/97
1. None: Andrea Liu's observed power laws in gently sheared emulsions by Da Management, 10/03/97
4. None: Static Packing by Da Management, 10/03/97
1. None: Robin Ball's initial take on force transmission by Da Management, 10/03/97
2. None: The great Sept. 3 "Debriefing": Witten's Epistle by Da Management, 10/03/97
1. More: Thornton's post-debriefing comments by Da Management, 10/03/97
3. None: An exchange between Shlomo and Witten by Da Management, 10/03/97
4. None: Do force-chains sway? an experimental query by Da Management, 10/03/97
5. None: One-way stress propagation vs Elasticity by Da Management, 10/03/97
1. None: Round-room discussion, September 12 by Da Management, 10/03/97
... 1 Message(s)
2. None: Evesque's appraisal: beware of self-similarity by Da Management, 10/03/97
3. None: Evesque's valedictory by Da Management, 10/03/97
4. None: Cates's clarification of "time reversal" in his stress eqns. by Da Management, 10/03/97
5. None: Upshot of Witten's talk 10/2/97 by Da Management, 10/03/97
6. Feedback: Force fluctuations in unidirectional vs elastic medium by Da Management, 10/03/97 (Moved)
7. None: Goddard's tip-of-iceberg solution by Da Management, 10/08/97
8. None: Dov's two forms of stress transmission by Da Management, 10/11/97
9. None: Big force fluctuations in small samples by Da Management, 11/18/97 newer
... 2 Message(s)
6. None: Ad for Socolar paper on force fluctuations and stresses by Da Management, 10/11/97
7. None: Goddard's connection between sand and grease by Da Management, 10/18/97
1. Feedback: Goddard's reaction by Da Management, 10/27/97
6. None: on the side... by Da Management, 10/10/97
1. None: useful links by Da Management, 10/10/97
2. None: OED: does jamming have to do with jam session? by Da Management, 10/19/97
3. None: suggestions about this site by Da Management, 10/20/97

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