Run 01 - Large nylon object 1
This large nylon object is out of focus and does not appear to rotate much.
Run 02 - Large nylon object 2
This large nylon object displays no visible rotation and little tumbling as it sediments.
Run 03 - Large nylon object 3
This large nylon object appears to tumble, but not rotate
Run 04 - Large nylon object 4
This large nylon object tumbles as it sinks, but does not appear to rotate.
Run 05 - Small nylon object 1
This small nylon object does not appear to rotate at all as it sediments.
Run 06 - Medium nylon object 1
This nylon object goes through an initial transient where it reorients itself, and then sinks.
Run 07 - Small nylon object 2
This small nylon object does not rotate much as it sinks
Run 08 - Small nylon object 3
This small nylon object seems to rotate, but so slowly that it is difficult to see. Runs 13-15
Run 09 - Small plastic object 1
This small plastic object was roughly cut into the shape of a three-pointed star. It is very
Run 10 - Small nylon object 4
This small nylon object appears to sink straight down. If it does rotate, it does so very slowly.
Run 11 - Large nylon object 5
This large nylon object falls very quickly and displays almost no rotation or tumbling.
Run 12 - Large nylon object 6
This object displays a slight tumbling motion, but no rotation, as it quickly sediments.
Run 13 - Small nylon object 5
The object cut from a piece of nylon demonstrates rotation as it sinks. There is a slight jump in
Run 14 - Small nylon object 5
The small nylon object from Run 13 again appears to rotate fine, but a camera malfunction causes
Run 15 - Small nylon object 5
The small nylon object from Runs 13 and 14 is again clearly rotating as it sinks. Below is a
Run 16 - Large copper twist
A length of copper wire was bent into a twisted shape and dropped. It appears to twist, but is so
Run 17 - Large copper twist
As in Run 16, this twist of copper falls too quickly to see the rotation well.
Run 18 - Small copper twist
A smaller gauge copper wire than in Runs 16 and 17 gives slower sedimentation. As the object
Run 19 - Small copper twist
The twist of copper wire clearly rotates as it sediments along a helical path. A multiple-exposure
Run 20 - Small nylon object 5
This small piece of nylon shows clear rotation is it falls in a narrow helix; see Run 24 for a
Run 21 - Small copper knot
The small knot of copper wire falls very quickly and appears to tumble rather than rotate. The
Run 22 - Small copper knot
The small knot made of copper falls quickly, but it is still possible to see a full rotation.
Run 23 - Large copper knot
The large knot made from copper wire sinks very quickly and appears to tumble rather than rotate.
Run 24 - Small nylon object 5
The nylon piece rotates in a tight helix as it sinks. Below is a multiple-exposure zoomed image of
Run 25 - Small copper twist
From the top, the copper twist is very hard to see with this lighting. Try Run 26 instead.
Run 26 - Small copper twist
In a top view, the copper twist shows up better with the bright lighting
Run 27 - Small nylon object 5
In the bright light, it is very difficult to see the nylon sedimenting. Try Run 24 instead.