Condensed Matter Theory / Applied Mathematics
Postdocs at the University of Chicago

Outcome of 2008-9 search

information about past search for information only

Applications are invited for a postdoc to work under the guidance of Leo Kadanoff,  and/or Wendy Zhang, and/or Margaret Gardel, and/or  Thomas Witten, and/or Gene F. Mazenko, and/or Peter Constantin and/or Todd Dupont, and/or Ka Yee Christina Lee,and/or Paul Wiegmann,and/or Ilya Gruzberg, and/or Sidney Nagel.

These professors, working at the James Franck Institute of the University of Chicago, expect to appoint one or more postdocs probably beginning in Autumn, 2009. We usually find that postdocs are most productive if they can interact broadly within our institute, the departments of the Physical Sciences Division, our Materials Research Science and Engineering Center, and our University.

The research areas of this group include:

The appointment might include teaching in the Museum Presentation in Science program or the Mathematics Department. Our postdocs generally share in the task of managing our seminars.

There is more information about current research at the University of Chicago at the web sites of the James Franck Institute, the Physics Department, the Materials Research Science and Engineering Center, Chemistry Department and the Computational and Applied Mathematics Program.
For another view of our current interests, see the recent Focusing Stress in a Soft Interface Workshop.

To apply, please send the following:


Those interested primarily in quantum phenomena may wish to apply directly to Prof.  Kathryn Levin, Prof. Paul Wiegmann and Prof. Ilya Gruzberg.

We encourage applications from women and members of other under-represented groups. The University of Chicago is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer

T. Witten, updated 10/23/2008

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