Thomas A. Witten - CIS E-227, x2-0947,
It is open to the public, you don't need to be on campus or use a proxy server. If we need to post copyrighted material we'll figure out another way.
Chalk site: there is a site on the official Chalk server for this course. For now that site just refers you to this one. We intend that you can always reach this site from the Chalk site.
Other sites: This server can't be modified by Prof. Shochet. We may add a site for him to add content.
Senior Thesis Presentations
update 31 may: Here is an explicit statement of the advisor's role.
29100-29200-29300. Bachelor's Thesis. PQ: Open to physics majors with fourth-year standing and consent of instructor. Students are required to submit the College Reading and Research Course Form in Autumn Quarter. Students receive a grade in each quarter of registration: P/F grading in Autumn and Winter Quarters, and quality grading in Spring Quarter.
This yearlong sequence of courses is designed to involve the student in current research. Over the course of the year, the student works on a research project in physics or a closely related field (e.g., astrophysics) leading to the writing of a bachelor's thesis. A student who submits a satisfactory thesis, earns a grade of B or higher based on the project, and achieves a GPA of 3.0 or higher in the required undergraduate physics courses is awarded a B.A. with honors. The project may be one suggested by the instructor or one proposed by the student and approved by the instructor. In either case, all phases of the project (including the literature search, design and construction of the experiments, and analysis) must be done by the student. The instructor, faculty adviser, postdocs, and graduate students are, of course, available for consultation. Autumn, Winter, Spring.