Tentative Lecture plan, physics 185 Winter 2012
notes in [...] indicate chapters in Taylor.
4 Jan. Introduction
6 Jan. [1] Review: vectors, reference frames,
9 Jan. [2] Force with given velocity dependence
11 Jan. *[3]momentum and angular momentum.
13 Jan. [4] force with given position dependence, energy
16 Jan. no class
18 Jan. * [handout] statics and extremal energy
20 Jan. [6] Calculus of variations: Euler Lagrange equations
23 Jan. "
25 Jan. * [7] Hamilton's principle and Lagrange equations
27 Jan. "
30 Jan. "
1 Feb. midterm in class
3 Feb. [8] 2-body central force systems
6 Feb. "
8 Feb. * "
10 Feb. no class
13 Feb. [9] non-inertial co-ordinate frames
15 Feb. * ", rotating frames
17 Feb. "
20 Feb. [10.1-10.8, Appendix A.1] Rigid body motion
22 Feb. * "
24 Feb. "
27 Feb. " [13] canonical co-ordinates and Hamiltonian mechanics
29 Feb. *
2 Mar. "
5 Mar. "
7 Mar. * "
9 Mar reading period
* Problem set due in class