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- B. M. Anderson, R. Boyack, C.-T. Wu, K. Levin. Correcting inconsistencies in the conventional superfluid path integral scheme. (arxiv)
- R. Boyack, B. M. Anderson, C.-T. Wu, K. Levin. Gauge invariant theories of linear response for strongly correlated superconductors. (arxiv)
- C.-T. Wu, B. M. Anderson, R. Boyack, K. Levin. Quasi-condensation in two-dimensional Fermi gases. Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 240401 (2015). (journal) (arxiv)
B. M. Anderson, C.-T. Wu, R. Boyack, K. Levin.
Topological effects on transition temperatures and response functions in three-dimensional Fermi superfluids.
Phys. Rev. B 92, 134523 (2015). (journal) (arxiv) - E. Anisimovas, G. Žlabys, B. M. Anderson, G. Juzeliūnas, A. Eckardt. The role of real-space micromotion for bosonic and fermionic Floquet fractional Chern insulators. Phys. Rev. B 91, 245135 (2015). (journal) (arxiv)
- C.-T. Wu, B. M. Anderson, R. Boyack, K. Levin. Signatures of pairing and spin-orbit coupling in correlation functions of Fermi gases. Phys. Rev. B 91, 220504(R) 2015. (journal) (arxiv)
- L.-C. Ha, L. W. Clark, C. V. Parker, B. M. Anderson, C. Chin. Roton-Maxon Excitation Spectrum of Bose Condensates in a Shaken Optical Lattice. Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 165301 (2014). (journal) (arxiv)
- X. Chen, M. Rabinovic, B. M. Anderson, L. Santos. Ring model for trapped condensates with synthetic spin-orbit coupling. Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 165301 (2014). (journal) (arxiv)
- W. E. Shirley, B. M. Anderson, C. W. Clark, R. M. Wilson. Half-Quantum Vortex Molecules in a Binary Dipolar Bose Gas. Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 165301 (2014). (journal) (arxiv)
- Y.-H. Wang, B. M. Anderson and C. W. Clark. Spinor Bose-Einstein Condensates of Positronium Condensates. Phys. Rev. A 89, 043624 (2014). (journal) (arxiv)
- S. De, D. L. Campbell, R. M. Price, A. Putra, B. M. Anderson and I. B. Spielman. Quenched binary Bose-Einstein condensates: Spin-domain formation and coarsening. Phys. Rev. A 89, 033631 (2014). (journal) (arxiv)
- R. M. Wilson, B. M. Anderson and C. W. Clark. Meron Ground State of Rashba Spin-Orbit-Coupled Dipolar Bosons. Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 185303 (2013). (journal) (arxiv)
- B. M. Anderson, I. B. Spielman, G. Juzeliünas. Magnetically generated spin-orbit coupling for ultracold atoms. Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 125301 (2013). (journal) (arxiv)
- B. M. Anderson and C. W. Clark. Three-Dimensional Spin-Orbit Coupling in a Trap. J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 46 134003 (2013). (journal) (arxiv)
- J. Larson, B. M. Anderson and A. Altland. Chaos-driven dynamics in spin-orbit coupled atomic gases. Phys. Rev. A 87, 013624 (2013). (journal) (arxiv)
- B. M. Anderson, G. Juzeliunas, V. M Galitski and I. B Spielman. Synthetic 3D Spin-Orbit Coupling. Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 235301 (2012). (journal) (arxiv)
- S. Takei, C.-H. Lin, B. M. Anderson and V. Galitski. Low-density molecular gas of tightly-bound Rashba-Dresselhaus fermions. Phys. Rev. A 85, 023626 (2012). (journal) (arxiv)
- B. M. Anderson, J. M. Taylor and V. M. Galitski. Interferometry with Synthetic Gauge Fields. Phys. Rev. A 83, 031602(R) (2011). (journal) (arxiv)
- B. Anderson, T. D. Stanescu and V. Galitski. Bulk Spin-Hall Effect. Phys. Rev. B 81, 121304(R) (2009). (journal) (arxiv)
- T. Stanescu, B. Anderson and V. Galitski. Spin-orbit Coupled Bose-Einstein Condensates. Phys. Rev. A 78, 023616 (2008). (journal) (arxiv)
- B. M. Anderson and D. Collins. Polarization requirements for ensemble implementations of quantum algorithms with a single-bit output. Phys. Rev. A 72, 042337 (2005). (journal) (arxiv)