Fano Lecture: Alain Aspect

3:30 pm KPTC 106, Maria Goeppert-Mayer Hall

5720 South Ellis Avenue

From Einstein’s doubts to quantum technologies: non-locality in action

As pointed out by Einstein, and confirmed by the violation of Bell’s inequalities, entanglement of separated particles is an extraordinary feature of quantum mechanics, suggesting some kind of non-locality. It is now used in quantum technologies. After presenting the Einstein Bohr debate and Bell’s inequalities with  their experimental tests, I will show how the notion of non-locality provides fruitful intuitions for some quantum communication methods.

Speaker: Alain Aspect is professor at Institut d’Optique-Université Paris-Saclay, professor at École Polytechnique, and CNRS senior scientist emeritus. Among his many awards, Aspect is a recipient of the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics “for experiments demonstrating the violation of Bell inequalities and establishing quantum entanglement. For more about the historical importance of Aspect's experiments:

Host: Cheng Chin, Prof. of Physics (

This lecture is jointly presented by the Physics Department and the Pritzer School for Molecular Engineering.

Event Type


Apr 3