Tenth year of the Chicago Chile Exchange
April 15th, 2013
Annual reports from years 1, 2, 3, 4,
5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
The year begininng June, 2012 marked the tenth year of the
Chicago-Chile Materials Collaboration, which started in August, 2003.
This is a no-cost-extension year of the four-year renewal begun in June
In June-August, 2012 six University of Chicago students did
in Chile. In January-March, 2013, two Chilean students did
ten-week internships in Chicago. These activities spent the
unspent funds from a prior year when a student strike in Chile greatly
reduced the Chilean participation.
Chicagoans in Chile, July-September 2012
Seven Chicago undergraduates wrote extended letters of
application for
internships. The six chosen
students all completed successful internships. The students and their
Chilean supervisors and topics are as follows.
name |
Baker, Kevin |
R. Cordero, USACH
strength of fruit cuticles
studies are ongoing
Ethan |
M. L. Cordero, UCHILE
rapid viscosity measurements
via meniscus observations in microchannels |
publication anticipated
Taha |
C. Aliaga, USACH
partitioning of a molecule
with the free radical TEMPO in a surfactant solution
publication anticipated
Steven |
F. Vivanco, USACH
effect of system size a
sheared granular monolayer
publication hoped for
Sam |
E. Hamm, USACH
ridge morphology induced by
collapsing a plastic membrane over a protruding object
followup simulations in
Ryan |
N. Mujica, UCHILE
escape from the stable
vibrational state of granular monolayers: granular explosions
studies are continuing
The supervisors of these students all gave their impressions to
the Chicago co-ordinator. With the exceptions noted below, the
supervisors expressed satisfaction with the students' work, affirming
that the students benefitted the lab. Some sample evaluations:
- "It was a tricky experiment he was working on and he
did not get definite results. However, he started the experiment from
zero and advanced a lot."
- "Excellent. He was able to carry out the measurements and
retrieve from them valuable information."
- " We did do some progress in data anlysis and I am happy with the
- "He seems motivated and is enthusiastic. "
- "I have to mention that ... is a very motivated and enthusiastic
- "[the internship program] was a great experience for
me and our students. I miss him a lot."
We responded to one
student's desire for a physical chemistry internship by seeking out a
new supervisor in the USACH chemistry department, Dr. Carolina Aliaga.
This internship worked out very well for both intern and
supervisor. A second supervisor also gave
an enthusiastic report. All supervvisors praised the students'
motivation and helpfulness. One student was entrusted
to present his work to an external review committee. These
ongoing projects are all expected to result in eventual publications,
though none has progressed to the point where papers are being written.
The advisors also noted some
shortcomings. One student pursued his own ideas of how to proceed
and didn't do what his advisor requested. Another needed more
supervision than expected. This year's cohort consisted entirely of first and second-year students. However, there ws no tendency for the younger students to perform less well.
A debriefing session for the returning
students was held October 19. Five of the six interns participated. All
expressed satisfaction with their experience. All five gave a detailed
account of their results and reversals and skills learned and talks and
reports presented. The students told of their projects and
adventures and gave advice about any future logistic arrangements.
Chileans in Chicago: January-March 2013
Our remaining funds were sufficient to invite two Chilean interns in
2013; Details of these projects are shown here.
Camilo Ulloa is a third-year physics student at the Universidad de
Chile. He worked jointly with Prof. William Irvine, a U of C grad
student named Chris Heinrich and myself. Camilo's job was to implement
an experimental setup to investigate a novel mode of liquid droplet
fission. He made several major revisions of the original plan and had
to try many variations. By the end of the project Camilo had obtained a
stable experiment and reproduceable fast video record of the fission
process consistent with the numerical work of Chris Heinrich. Camilo
left detailed accounts of his methods and data. His persistence and
resourcefulness brought the project to a successful conclusion. We are
planning a publication describing this novel method.
The second internship was a return visit by Sergio Correa of
USACH. Sergio was a very effective intern in 2011, his research group
was very pleased that we could arrange a return visit. In his work in
Prof. Doug MacAyeal's group continued there joint project on the
bouyant instability leading to massive overturn of ice floes in the
arctic coastlines. As before Sergio's immediate supervisor was Dr.
Justin Burton. This year's work on the pressure field during the
overturn in their laboratory model system is being prepared for
Former interns have published a number of papers since their
internships. We list here only papers that appear to be based on
the internship research supported by the grant. The intern whose
project is related to the paper is marked with an asterisk *
Title: Weakening of a thin shell structure by annihilating singularities
Author(s): Walsh*, Lee; Meza, Ruben; Hamm, Eugenio
44 Issue: 23 Article Number:
232002 DOI: 10.1088/0022-3727/44/23/232002
Published: JUN 15 2011
Title: Tearing as a test for mechanical characterization of thin
adhesive films
Author(s): Hamm, E (Hamm, Eugenio)[ 1,2 ] ; Reis, P (Reis, Pedro)[ 3 ]
; LeBlanc, M* (LeBlanc, Michael)[ 4,5 ] ; Roman, B (Roman, Benoit)[ 6 ]
; Cerda, E (Cerda, Enrique)[ 1,2 ]
Source: NATURE MATERIALS Volume: 7 Issue:
5 Pages: 386-390 DOI:
10.1038/nmat2161 Published: MAY 2008