August 4, 2008
Housing arrangements went smoothly. The students rented two apartments during their first week, using leads prepared by Prof. Mujica.
student | institution | supervisor(s) |
Tibor Heumann | U. Chile | Binua Lin |
Jocelyn Dunstan | U. Chile | Heinrich Jaeger |
Cristian Erices | U. Chile | Juan Collar |
Nicolas Rivas | U. Chile | Ka Yee Lee, Luka Pocivavsek |
Daniel Rivas | U. Chile | Cheng Chin |
student | institution | supervisor(s) | topic |
Andrew Alexander | USACH | Prof. Melo, Dr. Bernal | response of bone cells to forces |
Samuel Oberdick | UCHILE | Prof. Mujica | turbulent surface-tilting transition |
Daniel Citron | USACH | Prof. Soto | long-range correlations near granular phase transition |
Jonathan Cheng | USACH | Prof. Melo, Dr. Vivanco | force patterns in sheared granular layers of photoelastic disks |
Reports from both the students and the two program co-ordinators in Chile say that the students are doing well.
In addition, Lee Walsh, a 2007 intern listed above will return to Chile this September to continue his work on nonlocal interaction of deformed membranes with Prof. Hamm.
M.G. Clerc, P. Cordero, J. Dunstan, K. Huff, N. Mujica, D. Risso, & G. Varas, "Liquid-solid-like transition in quasi-one-dimensional driven granular media", Nature Physics 4, 249 - 254 (2008). This prominent publication involves three interns in the program. Huff worked on this project in its early stages as an intern from Chicago. Varas and Dunstan were interns in Chicago before working on this project.
Luka Pocivavsek, Robert Dellsy, Andrew Kern, Sebastian Johnson, Binhua Lin, Ka Yee C. Lee, and Enrique Cerda, "Stress and Fold Localization in Thin Elastic Membranes" Science, 320 912-916 (2008). This project was driven by Pocivavsek's desire to explain lipid monolayer buckling via continuum mechanics. He used his internship with Prof. Cerda in Chile to develop the idea, then returned to Chicago to explore its experimental implications with the help of Chilean intern Sebastian Johnson.
S.L. Frey, E.Y. Chi, C. Arratia and K.Y. Lee, "Condensing and Fluidizing Effects of Ganglioside GM1 on Phospholipid Films," Biophysical Journal, 94 3047-3064 (2008).
X. Cheng, G. Varas, D. Citron, H.M. Jaeger and S.R. Nagel, "Collective behavior in a granular jet: Emergence of a liquid with zero surface-tension," Phys. Rev. Letters 99 188001 (2007).
V. Romero, T.A. Witten and E. Cerda, "Multiple Coiling of an Elastic Sheet in a Tube" Proc. Roy. Soc. A doi:10.1098/rspa.2007.0372 (2008) ...(2008).
Victor Romero, Enrique Cerda, T A Witten and Tao Liang "Force focusing in confined fibers and sheets" Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 41 132003 (2008).
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