Chile-Chicago HOME

Fourth year of the Chicago Chile Exchange

August 12, 2007

Annual reports from years 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

The year begininng June, 2006 marked the fourth year of the Chicago-Chile Materials Collaboration, which started in August, 2003. In June-September, 2006 six University of Chicago students did internships in Chile. In January-June, 2007, six Chilean students did ten-week internships in Chicago. Currently seven Chicago students are doing internships in Chile. The program hosted one of the Chilean faculty co-ordinators in Chicago in November 2006 and the other in June, 2007. We adopted some small changes in administrative procedures and funding.

Chicago students in Chile June-August 2006

Chileans in Chicago: January-June 2007

Chicagoans in Chile, June-September 2007