May 31, 2009
student | institution | supervisor(s) | topic |
Andrew Alexander | USACH | Prof. Bernal | Developing protocols to measure response of bone cells to external forces using birefringent membranes. |
Jonathan Cheng | USACH | Prof. Melo, Dr. Vivanco | Stochastic force profiles during yielding of a sheared granular pack. |
Daniel Citron | USACH | Prof. Soto | Effect of friction on dynamic phase coexistence in simulated shaken granular packs. |
Samuel Oberdick | UCHILE | Prof. Mujica | Flow mapping for a solitary wave in a rotating inertia-dominated fluid. |
The beginning of the internship was complicated by a student strike at the University of Santiago. The students were informed about this strike before leaving for Chile. The strike caused inconvenience and degraded working conditions, but it did not pose a serious impediment, and the students took it in good grace.
This year for the first time the Chicago students each held several hours of English language practice sessions with University of Santiago students. These sessions were valued by both the Chicago and Chilean students, and they will be continued in June 2009.
student | institution | year | supervisor(s) | project |
Cecilia Gallardo | USACH | 4 | Lee/Pocivavsek | Limiting conditions for canted-fold pattern in laterally-compressed DMPE lipid monolayers. |
Fernando Garcia | USACH | 4 | Sibener | Reconstitutive memory of obliterated copolymer stripe monolayer patterns.. |
Leonardo Gordillo | U. Chile | 7 | Nagel | Ejection from lens-shaped granular jets hitting a target. |
Rafael Otaiza | USACH | 5 | Witten | Numerically calculated capillary flow profile in an elliptical evaporating drop. |
Suomi Ponce | U. Chile | 4.5 | Jaeger | Granular temperature profile for grains pouring out of a hopper. |
Desiree Salas | USACH | 4 | Lin | Limiting conditions for wrinkle-to-fold transition in laterally compressed nanoparticle trilayers. |
name | year |
supervisor |
probable topic |
Vanessa Acon | 1 |
Prof. Cerda |
controlling the tearing of thin
sheets by designed scoring patterns |
Alexander Brandt | 1 |
Prof. Mujica |
Soliton surface Faraday waves in
a vibrated trough of liquid |
Richard Bowers | 3 | Santibanez, Prof. Melo |
Nonlinear sound propagation
through lines of spherical balls. |
Marguerite Brown | 3 |
Prof. Melo |
Acoustics of bursting bubbles at
low pressure. |
Justin Walker | 3 |
Prof. Denardin |
Effect of array geometry on magnetization response of ferromagnetic nanorod arrays to applied field. |
Scott Waitukaitis | 6 |
Prof. Mujica |
Growth of space and time
correlations in a vibrated granular layer approaching phase
coexistence. |
[1] "High-Speed Tracking of Rupture and Clustering in Freely Falling Granular Streams," J. Royer, D. Evans, L. Oyarte*, Q. Guo, E. Kapit, M. Moebius, S. Waitukaitis, and H. Jaeger , Nature (accepted), 2009 This paper is the fruit of Loreto Oyarte's internship in January-March 2007
[2] Luka Pocivavsek, Robert Dellsy, Andrew Kern, Sebastian Johnson, Binhua Lin, Ka Yee C. Lee, and Enrique Cerda, "Stress and Fold Localization in Thin Elastic Membranes" Science, 320 912-916 (2008). reported last year
[3] "Tearing as a test for mechanical characterization of thin adhesive films", E. Hamm, P. Reis, M. LeBlanc, B. Roman, E. Cerda, Nature Materials 7 386 (2008). Chicago intern Mike LeBlanc assisted in the data collection for this experiment.
[4], "Lateral stress relaxation and collapse in lipid monolayers", L. Pocivavsek, S. L. Frey, K. Krishan, K. Gavrilov, P. Ruchala, A. J. Waring, F. J. Walther, M. Dennin, T. A. Witten, K. Y. C. Lee, Soft Matter 4 2019 (2008). This is the second paper arising from graduate student Luka Pocivavsek's internship with Prof. Cerda in Chile. Pocivavsek's knowledge of molecular monolayers combined with Cerda's knowledge of continuum elasticity enabled this ongoing avenue of work.
[5], "Force focusing in confined fibres and sheets" V. Romero, E. Cerda, T. A. witten and T. Liang, J. Phys. D 41 132003 (2008). see [6] below.
[6] V. Romero, T.A. Witten and E. Cerda, "Multiple Coiling of an Elastic Sheet in a Tube" Proc. Roy. Soc. A 464 2847-2866 (2008). This paper and [3] above arose from a puzzle that arose Liang's PhD work with Witten. Cerda and his student Victor Romero, a former Chicago-Chile intern, demonstrated the implications of this puzzle in a simpler and more general context.
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