May 6, 2010
student | institution | supervisor(s) | topic |
Vanessa Acon |
Prof. Cerda |
Designing optimal scoring of a plastic sheet to guide
tearing path. |
Richard Bowers |
Prof. Melo |
Sound propagation in a bag of Hertzian-contact spheres |
Alexander Brandt | UCHILE | Prof. Mujica | Ultrasonic probes of dynamic elasticity in strained
aluminum. |
Marguerite Brown | USACH | Prof. Melo | Design of microphone for use at low pressure to model
acoustic geological phenomena. |
Scott Waitukaitis |
Prof. Mujica | Determining wavevector
decomposition in shaken granular layers near amophous-crystal transition |
Justin Walker |
Prof. Denardin |
Effect of array geometry on
magnetization response of ferromagnetic nanorod arrays to applied field. |
student | institution | year* | supervisor(s)** | project |
Gustavo Castillo |
6+ |
Waitukaitis, Prof. Jaeger |
Charge-induced clustering in a falling granular stream. |
Sebastian Céspedes |
UCHILE | 4 |
Leahy, Dr. Lin |
Buckling and tearing of metal nanoparticle monolayers |
Tiaren Garcia |
5 |
Prof. Guyot-Sionnest |
Magnetoconductance of nanocrystals stacked in nanopores |
Francisco Martinez | USACH | 5 | Soderberg, Prof. Chin | Creating a laser beam position controller |
Rubén Meza | USACH | 6 | Holten-Anderson, Prof. Lee | Creating calibrated gels for wrinkling studies |
Tania Sauma |
4 |
Prof. Witten |
Profile of a fluid meniscus during scissoring a drop in two. |
Franco Tapia |
6+ |
Brown, Prof. Jaeger |
Viscoelasticity and rheology
of dense suspensions. |
name | year |
supervisor |
topic |
Michael Baumer | 2 |
Prof. Mujica |
Nonlinear oscillation mode in
couette flow |
David Blair | 1 |
Prof. Bernal |
Optimimising micron scale
indenter imaging rheometer |
Kyle Felker | 1 |
Prof. Soto |
Transient relaxation of mobile
layer in numerical granular fluid in chute flow |
Trent German | 3 |
Prof. Raul Cordero |
Mechanics of fruit cuticle
layer measured by speckle interferometry. |
Ned Lieb | 1 |
Prof. Paez |
AFM nanoindenter measurements
of corrosion-protecting composite coatings. |
Nikita Nangia | 1 |
Prof. Hamm |
Optimal perforation pattern
for tearing a sheet |
Chicago Materials Research Center contact webmaster | UChicago |